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Ultrasound: Baby Photos

October 2022

Connor, (my hubby) and I were so excited to go to our first doctor's appointment and to see what our baby's sex was. We were also excited to get a sneak peak at what he looks like. Over time, we could see more of his facial features. The technology nowadays allows you to get 3-4D images and videos. I will include some from the beginning of the pregnancy and also some more recent images.

Our first ultrasound photo... there is little baby. Life certainly begins in the womb. (Psalm 139) We are already in love and praying for your daily little one.

To our baby: "You are an answer to prayer and an awaited blessing and miracle!! WE LOVE YOU!!"

LOVE Mom and Dad. <3

Surreal: Here are some of the images of the baby attached to my uterus.

Fun Fact: "The placenta is a temporary organ (that develops when pregnant) that connects your baby to your uterus during pregnancy. The placenta develops shortly after conception and attaches to the wall of your uterus. Your baby is connected to the placenta by the umbilical cord."

Image: Face, nose, lips (this is later in pregnancy) so cute, isn't it??

Baby looks like kissing my tummy! So sweet!! Surreal. What a God-given miracle!

Image: Side profile of head, nose and face.

Image: 5 months

Baby's left foot. So wild... Life begins in the Mother's womb, that is a life!

Image: 20 weeks, 2 days 5 months

Left Ankle and foot (leg) as you can see in the image above of our ultrasound of Baby Cassidy!

Image: Mama Cassidy with her Ultrasound pics and growing baby bump! So thankful, expectant and excited!!

Stay tuned for the next blog post about my baby's gender reveal, photos from the party that landed on Mother's Day held at my Mother in Law's and also future blog posts from my baby shower, nursery pics never shown before, and more!!

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